“I’m not a woman who gets her self-worth from her dress size” – Kristen Bell

Whether you like the Kardashian’s or not, the overwhelming amount of coverage of how much weight Kim gained during her pregnancy was upsetting. I realize that the Kardashian’s have put themselves into the spotlight, and Kim has built a brand that centres around her body and image. But with all that in mind, no one deserves the headlines Kim received during her pregnancy.

As if it isn’t hard enough being a woman today with the prevailing ideas about body image….now we’re calling pregnant women fat? I don’t really blame her for hiding out after giving birth. Likely not to return until after she’s lost the baby weight (if she hasn’t already).

And the point? No, this post is NOT about the “sorrows” of Kim Kardashian. As a mom with a 2 year-old who is still looking for the motivation to loose my “baby” weight, I found Kristen Bell’s recent interview in Redbook refreshing to say the least.

I can’t tell you how much I needed a reminder that my self-worth is not wrapped up in what I look like! As a working Mama, I have enough stress/guilt about balancing work (which I love) and time with my daughter. I don’t need to be stressing about when the weight is going to come off, or if I’m ever going to wear the same sizes I did before I had my baby girl. Thank-you, Kristen!

Check out the article here (c/o Huffington Post):

Kristen Bell says, “I’m not a woman who gets her self-worth from her dress size.”