Inspirational Women: 7 Influential Women Who Failed Before They Succeeded

As a working mother who is just starting out in her career, I constantly find myself worrying about balancing everything and avoiding failures. I mean, I have a family to support and an awesome two-year old to raise. This blog post from LADYROMP was just what I needed today to remind myself that I may not get it right the first time, but I will get it right if I stay the course.


The Huffington Post  |  By Julie Zeilinger

“Looking back at my own life, there are the things that can trip us up and dampen that spirit,” Arianna Huffington told graduating high school seniors last year. “The first thing is failure — or even the fear of failure.”

But an important part of achieving what we set out to do — and something that seems to be particularly difficult for women — is overcoming bumps in the road we may experience along the way. We forget that failure is often a necessary part of eventual success. In order to remind ourselves of this, we’ve gathered the stories of seven fearless women who experienced failure before ultimately becoming legends in their respective fields.

lucille ball

1. Lucille Ball

Lucile Ball is now remembered as the first woman to run a major television studio (she gained full control of Desilu Productions in 1962) and…

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